Well of Words

Word. Another. Joined between a feeling, a memory, a sense. Let it flow from within to sentences. Simple, sensible and truly something original. Written emotions on paper: a poem.

A Poem

Flashing by moment
a sense, feeling
that never comes
not to anyone
not to me
ever again

I grab to that glimpse
squeezing the sense
through feelings
eyes closed
forgotten in me
I hold back

and I let go
to paper

The Poet In Me

Nice to see you here!

This is where my feelings and thoughts many times end up. More than twenty years ago I scribbled my first poems as 14 year old boy that was dreaming about being published author and poet.

Well, as usual, the poems never were sent to publisher and learning process was considered too hard - might have been different if there would have been internet then.

So I wrote occasionally less and less until last year when I decided to start writing for real since I had extra time. Started a blog and build some confidence. Finding All Poetry poetry society really made difference; more fellow poets and for the first time critique. And chance to read lots of good poetry

Now I am serious on writing and aim to improve to the lengths to make it for real. I am going to be published since I have a poet inside me and I intend to unleash it

keskiviikko 11. toukokuuta 2016

Butterflies Our Lives

Butterflies and human minds
have you looked at them fly?
insane like drunk and driving
a plane
better yet, a helicopter

oh, look a butterfly, smiles the child,
the "innocent" mind
how many can correct it
swallowtail to be?

with varying colors and
shapes as we
are same
but marked  essentially
different lives
both outside and within

butterflies are preyed
most of their lives
and proportioned time not
truly alive

we are but butterflies
in breeze of time

imagine a water drop
landing on us
during our

caught by life
on butterfly net or
bare hands
makes massive distinction
on affects, how we translate the life
in our heads

image is bright, colorful flight
in sunshiny day
human conduct is bound by rules
and laws to protect
us from ourselves

otherwise we live in shadows
of our thoughts

did you know that ninety percent of
lepidopterans are in fact moths? 

as per se we must fly
if we open our eyes from

metamorphosis appears only
from child to adult
anything else
is driven from denial

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